International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research <div align="justify"> <p class="para1"><strong>International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research (IJAPR)</strong>&nbsp;is an international peer reviewed Monthly open access Online and Print journal. The aim of the journal is to increase the impact of research in both academic and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. The journal promotes to publish the articles in the field of&nbsp;<strong>Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Homeopathy and Allopathy</strong>&nbsp;systems of medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Researchers may submit (1). Original Research Articles (2). Review articles (3). Book Reviews (4). Short Communications/ Research Letter (5). Case Report (6). Letter to the Editor/Correspondence.</p> </div> en-US (Dr B Srinivasulu M.D (Ayu.)) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Assessing the Effect of Shodhana (Purification) Process by Triphala Decoction on Shilajit Using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography <p>Standardization of <em>Shodhit Shilajit</em> is a major challenge. <strong>Objective: </strong>Objective of the present study was to assessing the effect of <em>Shodhana </em>purification process on <em>Shilajit</em> as well as assessing the difference in fingerprint of raw <em>Shilajit</em> and <em>Shodhit</em> <em>Shilajit </em>by HPTLC and physicochemical tests. <strong>Methods: </strong>The standardization parameters such as appearance, identification of active marker compound Gallic acid and Fingerprint comparison by HPTLC, Physicochemical test parameters like loss on drying, pH value, ash value, water soluble extractive, ethanol soluble extractive and assay of humic acid and fulvic acid were evaluated during the study. Chromatographic separation was achieved by using Toluene: Ethyl acetate: Formic acid (5.0:4.0:1.0 v/v/v) as mobile phase followed by comparing the Rf values. <strong>Results: </strong>The presence of active marker compound gallic acid in <em>Shodhit</em> <em>Shilajit</em> was confirmed by comparing the Rf value with standard. HPTLC fingerprint also confirmed that constituents from raw <em>Shilajit</em> transferring to the <em>Shodhit Shilajit</em> after the process of <em>Shodhana</em>. Total Ash value and Acid insoluble ash value reduced from 52.95% to 21.67% and 2.35% to 0.39% respectively while Water soluble extractive value increased from 59.33% to 72.13% after <em>Shodhana</em> process. There is also an increase in percentages of humic acid and fulvic acid from 7.10% to 8.23% and 36.91% to 50.12 % in <em>Shodhit Shilajit. </em><strong>Conclusion: </strong>All these results showed the significance and effectiveness of <em>Shodhana</em> process in reducing the impurities and ultimately enhancing the therapeutic activity of <em>Shodhit Shilajit</em>. These evaluation parameters can be used for the standardization of <em>Shodhit Shilajit</em> and also can be routinely employed for analysis in Quality Control Lab.</p> Manisha Padole, Matey Dipmala, Padole Manisha, Dhurde Sharad, Shrikhande B.K Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Comparative Clinical Study on the Effect of Tagar (Valleriana Wallichii Dc.) and Aswagandha (Withania Somnifera) in the Management of Preoperative Anxiety <p>Preoperative anxiety is a clinical condition which requires medical management apart from reassurance. Surgical patients have the high incidence of anxiety. Relief from anxiety is accomplished by pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures, often there is no need of a therapeutic agents for control of preoperative anxiety. Various drugs are used for control of preoperative anxiety in the ward. Ayurveda has an age proved natural ways for the management of disease. Many Acharya have prescribed <em>Rasayana</em> and <em>Aushadha</em> for treatment of mental illness which is safe and effective under optimal doses. <strong>Method: </strong>Here is a study has been planned for <em>Rogi Sambandhit Purva Karma</em> in which administration of pre–operative medication and other measures are done to relieve the anxiety and other conditions. So, the present study is conducted to evolve an effective Ayurvedic drugs for management of preoperative anxiety. Here in this study <em>Tagar Churna</em> has been taken for study. Various ancient texts and online journals related to the topic have been reviewed. <strong>Result: </strong>Results were obtained by analysing the data using student’s t-test. <strong>Discussion: </strong>Discussions were done regarding entire clinical study and the results obtained with relative opinions and arguments.</p> Gaurav Sharma, Jyoti Singh Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Clinical Study of Drakshadi Syrup in Lowering Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC) and Immunoglobulin E(Ige) Level in Tamak Swash (Bronchial Asthma) in Children <p>Childhood asthma is a prevalent chronic disease worldwide, affecting millions of children. Its impact is not only on the children themselves but also on their families, schools, and healthcare systems. Inspite of all recent advances in modern medical science the prevalence is increasing day by day. <strong>Aim: </strong>The present study is to assess the response of polyherbal compound ‘<em>Drakshadi</em> Syrup’ in lowering AEC and IgE level in childhood bronchial asthma. <strong>Materials and Methods: </strong>106 nos. of patient were registered irrespective of sex between the age group 3-16 years out of which 100 patients completed the trial. Routine blood investigations including basic pathological markers i.e., AEC and IgE were recorded before and after 90 days of treatment. <strong>Statistical Tool Used: </strong>Paired-t test was done in GraphPad prism 10 software for data analysis. <strong>Results and Conclusion: </strong>After statistical analysis the t value of AEC was 13.31 with p&lt;.0001 i.e., highly significant and in IgE the t value was 9.73 with p&lt;.0001 i.e., highly significant. It can be concluded that the polyherbal compound is very effective in lowering AEC and IgE levels in childhood bronchial asthma.</p> Ramez Uddin, Bishnu Prasad sarma Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Hepatoprotective Activity of Patra Swarasa of Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia) Against- Paracetamol Induced <p><em>Guduchi </em>(<em>Tinospora</em>&nbsp;<em>cordifolia</em>&nbsp;(Willd.) Miers], Menispermaceae family,&nbsp;it is important medicinal plant is widely distributed through India. It is categorized as "<em>Rasayana</em>"&nbsp;and the whole plant is used medicinally. The <strong>aim</strong> of the present study is to evaluate the protective effect of <em>Guduchi patra swaras</em> against paracetamol induced liver damage in Wister albino rats. <strong>Material &amp; </strong><strong>Methods</strong>: Wistar Albino rats (140-250g) will be divided into 6 group and each group 6 rats, into control group, paracetamol control, standard group, test group. The test drug <em>Guduchi patra swarasa </em>was administered orally for 10 consecutive days and two dose of the toxicant (paracetamol) were administered orally to each group, on two alternate days i.e., 7<sup>th</sup> and 9<sup>th</sup> day, 1hr after test drug administration. After 48 hours of toxicant paracetamol, and standard group. The blood was collected in EDTA tube and sent for biochemistry laboratory for biochemical investigations. <strong>Result: </strong>The analysis of serum biochemical parameters shows that administration of paracetamol leads to significant change in majority of the parameters. The overall activity profile indicated reversal of important parameters like SGOT, SGPT, total bilirubin, total protein, blood sugar level, serum globulin, serum albumin, serum total cholesterol and serum triglycerides. All three test groups of <em>Guduchi patra Swarasa</em> administered are found to be effective heapto-protective especially based on histo-pathological study. Among the three groups, the double dose group and therapeutic group has shown good results in comparison with the other two groups<strong>. </strong><strong>Conclusion: </strong>In the present study, the overall activity profile of <em>Guduchi patra Swarasa </em>administered are found to be effective hepatoprotective among the three groups therapeutic double dose shows good results in comparison with the other group.</p> Yadav Chandra Kishor, Hegde Prakash L Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Effect of Yonidhavan on Different Gynaecological Diseases - A Retrospective Study <p>Gynecological diseases are increasing day by day. Among all, female genital infections bear a major component. It carries the specific attention of underlying diseases such as vaginitis, cervical erosions PIDs, to malignancies. Ayurveda highlights these disorders under <em>Yonivyapadas</em>. Classics have highlighted 20 types of <em>Yonivypadas </em>where pathogenesis takes place in genital areas. Local treatments such as <em>Yonidhavan, Picu, Varti</em> are described for the same. <em>Yonidhavan </em>refers to drug delivery through genital areas. The medicated fluid of <em>Yonidhavan</em> helps to clean genital areas, reduce inflammation and help to regrowth healthy tissue.&nbsp; Understanding these, a retrospective study on the effect of <em>Yonidhavan</em> with <em>Panchawalkal Kwath</em> for a sample of 100 patients was done for 1 year. Analysis of the symptoms as well as the result, with clinical evidence and statistical evaluation, proved that overall <em>Yonidhavan </em>gave excellent outcomes in 94.9% patients in relieving the symptoms. The therapy proved to be promising on criteria such as per vaginal discharge (<em>Srava</em>), tenderness (<em>Sparasahatwa</em>), and tissue swelling (<em>Shoph</em>). It proved most significant on per vaginal profuse discharge (96.5%) and tenderness (<em>Sparasahatwa</em>) (74.3%). The study revealed that no recurrence of the symptoms was noticed after one year in 73% of the patients. Twenty-two percent of patients showed recurrence of symptoms in one year. The use of <em>Panchawalkal Yonidhavan </em>not only gave symptomatic relief but helped to cure <em>Yonivypadas</em>. <em>Yonidhavan</em> proved helpful, economical, and accessible Ayurvedic treatment.</p> Geeta Patki, Rijuta Patil Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Apoptotic Properties of Leaf Extracts of Simarouba glauca Against Lung Cancer- A549 Cells <p><em>Simarouba glauca</em> belonging to the family of Simaroubaceae and is commonly known as The Paradise tree, Laxmitaru tree (Common name) or <em>Sorgamaram </em>(Siddha Name). It has a long history of herbal medicine in many countries. It is a native of South America and its bark decoction is given for dysentry and hence called dysentry bark. The drug contains phytochemicals such as glaucarubin, quassinoids, ailanthione, benzoquinone, holacanthone, melianone, simaroubidin, simarolide, sistosterol. <strong>Objectives: </strong>This study isto evaluate apoptotic activity of leaf extracts of <em>Simarouba glauca</em> against A549 Lung Cancer Cell line using MTT Assay and determining the % cell viability on increasing concentrations. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> Plant sample is collected and leaf Extract is prepared by adding 5gm of dried leaves powder in 50 ml aqueous extract. And to assess cell proliferation and viability MTT cell viability test was performed and apoptotic properties were identified. Aqueous extract of various concentration were used (12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200µg/ml) to confirm the increased apoptotic activity on increasing concentration. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> These findings suggested that <em>Simarouba glauca</em> leaf extracts inhibited lung cancer cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The leaf extracts of <em>Simarouba glauca</em> was found to be nontoxic to alveoli,pneumocytes. It can be concluded that <em>Simarouba glauca</em> is an important source of phytochemicals posing efficacy against lung cancer cells.</p> Amirthavarshini.A, M.Latharani, S.Mathukumar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Management of Parkinson’s Disease (Kampavata) Through Panchakarma <p>Parkinson's disease is a progressive degenerative neurological disorder mainly affecting geriatric population. The most crucial signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease arise while the nerve cells in basal ganglia, an area of mind that controls the movement grow to be impaired or die. When these neurons die or get impaired, they generally tend to produce much less amount of vital chemical in the brain known as Dopamine which causes numerous signs and symptoms like tremors, rigidity in muscular tissues, akinesia and postural disability related to numerous cognitive, behavioural and other mental signs. In Ayurveda due to similar disease presentation, Parkinson's disease can be compared with <em>Kampavata</em>. <em>Kampavata</em> has been described under <em>Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi</em>. Various <em>Panchakarma</em> therapies have been mentioned in classics for the treatment of <em>Kampavata</em> like <em>Abhyanga</em>, <em>Swedana</em>, <em>Niruha</em> <em>Basti</em>, <em>Anuvasana</em> <em>Basti</em>, <em>Shirobasti</em> and <em>Virechana</em>. In this case study, a 68 years old male patient came to ITRA Hospital having complaints of tremors in both upper limbs, difficulty in speech and slowness of movements since last 10 years. He was already diagnosed with Pankinson's disease and is receiving allopathy treatment for the same since last 10 years. Here he was given treatment like <em>Abhyanga</em>, <em>Swedana</em>, <em>Matra Basti</em> and <em>Nasya</em> for 21 days. The patient got moderate improvement in his signs and symptoms. It was concluded with the study that <em>Panchakarma</em> therapies has been found beneficial in improving quality of life of patient.</p> Kruti K. Raicha, Anup Thakar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Management of Splenomegaly (Pleehodara) with Classical Herbomineral Drugs <p>With proper knowledge and timely intervention, Ayurvedic herbomineral drugs can reverse diseases without any side effect. Splenomegaly is a rare disorder that affects 2% of Americans in total, according to estimates of prevalence. It is need of time to work more over the traditional medicine like Ayurveda to search new dimension in this field. Some Ayurvedic seers have mentioned <em>Yakritodar</em> in separate chapters and some others has included under <em>Udararoga</em> heading. It was assumed as <em>Kapha-pitta</em> disorders among various herbal and herbomineral drugs they have focused in prescribing <em>Kshara</em> and drugs which can pacify <em>Kapha-pitta.</em> Drugs like <em>Yakritplihari lauha, Pippali churna, Rohitakarista, Arogyavardhini vati</em> are not only effective in reducing the size of spleen but also provide relief in many other systemic symptoms. The total duration of treatment was 3 months. The patient was assessed for improvement in hematological parameters, ultrasound report and signs and symptoms. Hence, presenting this case is evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of 3 months of Ayurvedic treatment in managing splenomegaly.</p> Rashmisnata Dash, Aditya prasad Satapathy, Sujeet Kumar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Applied Aspects of Koshta and Agni in Panchakarma <p><em>Panchakarma</em> is the elimination of <em>Bahu dosha </em>(excessive <em>Doshas</em>) in <em>Bahu ati matra </em>(excessive amount) through the <em>Asanna marga </em>(nearest route), thus all <em>Panchakarma </em>can be viewed under <em>Poorvakarma</em> (pre-operative), <em>Pradhana karma </em>(operative) and <em>Paschat karma </em>(post-operative). <em>Koshta</em> (bowel) and <em>Agni</em> play an important role in these stages. <em>Koshta</em> is the basic and important concept in Ayurveda<em>.</em> <em>Koshta </em>plays an important role in selection of the line of treatment. <em>Koshta pariksha</em> is necessary to evaluate the selection of <em>Aushadha</em> <em>matra, Anupana</em>, and <em>Snehapana.</em> <em>Agni </em>has great importance in maintaining good health. In clinical practice<em>, Agni Pariksha </em>(assessment of<em> Agni</em>) is very important<em>, </em>as only on this <em>Pariksha, </em>treatment plan can be decided. "Applied aspects" refer to the practical or real-world applications and implementations of knowledge, theories, principles, or research findings in various fields of study like <em>Shalya</em> <em>Tantra</em>, <em>Shalakya</em> <em>Tantra</em>, <em>Kaumarabritya</em>, <em>Panchakarma</em> and others. In the field of <em>Panchakarma</em> which includes anatomy, physiology, pathology, assessment and medicine. The medicinal aspect can be understood with the procedures followed in <em>Panchakarma</em> in terms of <em>Poorva</em>, <em>Pradhana</em> and <em>Paschat</em> <em>karma</em>. For <em>Shodhana </em>(purification Therapy) and <em>Shamana </em>(palliative), assessment and understanding of <em>Koshta</em> and <em>Agni </em>(fire) plays a major role.</p> Sreelakshmi Raj, Supreeth M.J, Kiran M Goud Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Tue, 16 Jul 2024 13:04:27 +0800 Pharmacognostical and Pharmaceutical Analysis of Yavanishadavadi Vati - An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation <p>Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) is caused by the aerobic acid-fast rod-shaped bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This tiny bacterium, expelled from a contagious host, can remain suspended in air as droplet nuclei for hours. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a form of TB caused by bacteria that do not respond to isoniazid and rifampicin, the 2 most effective first-line TB drugs. In Ayurveda, the term <em>Rajayakshma</em> has been used interchangeably with tuberculosis. <em>Rajayakshma</em> is primarily attributable to <em>Dhatukshaya</em> (tissue emaciation or loss). <strong>Aim:</strong> To analyze the Pharmacognostical and Pharmaceutical properties of <em>Yavanishadavadi Vati</em>. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> <em>Yavanishadavadi Vati</em> was subjected to microscopic evaluation for pharmacognostical study, physico-chemical analysis like hardness, weight variation, loss on drying, ash value, acid insoluble extract, pH value, water soluble extract, alcohol soluble extract and high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC). <strong>Result: </strong>Pharmacognostical study showed the presence of certain identifying characteristics of all the ingredients of <em>Yavanishadavadi Vati</em> that is<em> Yavani, Tintidaka, Shunthi, Amalvetasa, Dadima, Badara, Dhanyaka, Suvarchal Lavana, Jeeraka, Dalchini, Pippali, Maricha </em>and<em> Sarkara</em>. In pharmaceutical study, preliminary physico-chemical analysis showed that hardness of<em> Yavanishadavadi Vati</em> was hardness 6.6Kg/cm<sup>2</sup>, ash value 10.59%w/w, loss on drying 8.17%w/w, water soluble extract 28.6%w/w, alcohol soluble extract 20.2%w/w and pH value was 6.5. HPTLC analysis showed eleven spots in 254nm and nine spots in 365nm. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Present work was carried out to standardize the polyherbal formulation <em>Yavanishadavadi Vati</em> in terms of its identity, quality and purity. Pharmacognostical and physico-chemical observations revealed the specific characters of all the active constituents in the preparation.</p> Kanchan Bala, Mandip Goyal, Harisha C.R, Mukesh Nariya, Meera Cholera Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Case Report on Ayurveda Management of Wet Eczema (Vicharchika) <p>Skin disorders are one of the major health issues in the present era. It is a multifaceted condition that includes the emotional and social impact on individuals, as it affects psychological status of person due to its appearance, severe itching, disturbs the daily routine. The prevalence of eczema is more common in rural areas than in urban ones. Eczema is an inflammatory reaction of the skin. Characterized by variable itching and soreness, crusting, dryness, erythema, excoriation, exudation, fissuring, hyper pigmentation, lichenification, oozing, scaling and vesiculation. No satisfactory treatment is available in contemporary medical practice except antihistamines and topical steroids. As it is a common chronic skin condition that can lead to recurrent infections and poor quality of life if left untreated. The clinical features can be correlated to <em>Vicharchika</em> in Ayurveda, as it is characterized by <em>Kandu, Srava, Pidaka</em> and <em>Shyava varna</em>. It has been described under <em>Kshudra Kustas</em> and it is a <em>Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara</em>, involving three <em>Doshas</em> with <em>Kapha </em>predominance. A case of 35 years male presenting with clinical features of diffuse hyperpigmented skin lesions all over the body (bilateral upper and lower limbs, abdomen, back, face and scalp) associated with severe itching and serous discharge since 2 months. The case was diagnosed as <em>Sravi Vicharchika</em>. Patients were treated on line of <em>Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara</em> (<em>Kustha</em>) i.e., <em>Sroto sodhana</em> and <em>Dosha Shamana chikitsa</em> was adopted, resulting in significant improvement in clinical features.</p> Shreya M Bangre, Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B, Tapas Brat Tripaty Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Ayurvedic Management of Primary Dysmenorrhea with Sapthasara Arka <p>Dysmenorrhea is one of the most common gynecological conditions that affect the quality of life of women. The incidence of primary dysmenorrhea of sufficient magnitude to cause pain with incapacitation is about 15–25%. <em>Udavartha</em>, one among the <em>Vathika Yonirogas</em>, characterized by painful menstruation and relief of symptoms after blood discharge; can be symptomatically correlated to primary dysmenorrhoea. <em>Sapthasara Kashaya,</em> mentioned in <em>Chikitsa Manjari</em>, is indicated in the <em>Ruja</em>&nbsp;of <em>Yoni,</em> <em>Hrith, Kukshi, and Prushta.</em> The drugs in the <em>Sapthasara Kashaya</em> are <em>Vathakapha samana</em> and <em>Vatanulomana</em> in action. <strong>Methodology:</strong> Here is a case report of an 18-year-old girl who presented with complaints of severe pain during menstruation, low back ache, nausea, vomiting, and giddiness for the past 2 years. Her USG reports were found to be normal and so were diagnosed as a case of primary dysmenorrhoea. The patient was given 24ml of <em>Sapthasara Arka</em> with the same amount of water orally twice daily, half an hour before food, for 60 days. The assessment was done on 0<sup>th</sup>, 30<sup>th</sup>, 60<sup>th</sup>,&nbsp;and 90<sup>th</sup> days using the Visual Analogue Scale and the Verbal Descriptive Scale. <strong>Result: </strong>Signs and symptoms were significantly reduced on the 30<sup>th</sup> day of treatment and they were absent on 60<sup>th</sup> day and 90<sup>th</sup> day of follow-up. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> In primary dysmenorrhoea, the administration of <em>Sapthasara Arka</em> was found to be effective.</p> Parvathi G, Maya Balakrishnan, Giby Thomas Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Management of Intramural Uterine Fibroid by Ayurveda - A case study <p>Too many female gynaecological issues are a result of shifting food habits and lifestyles. One of the main concerns for women who are of reproductive age is uterine fibroids. The symptoms of uterine fibroids have a detrimental effect on women's well-being, their ability to engage in social and physical activities, and their productivity at work. A 25-year-old married female patient arrived at the outpatient clinic complaining of lower abdominal pain, heavy menstrual flow, burning during micturition, and white discharge coming from her vagina six months ago . An intrauterine fibroid measuring 24 x 10 mm size&nbsp;with an ET of 10.5 mm was seen during the ultrasound examination. The ovaries' B/L measurements were normal, and the wall of the gallbladder was slightly enlarged. Surgery was recommended for the same condition, but the patient refused to have it done and preferred non-hormonal treatment. The patient refused to take any allopathic medication. The patient sought <em>Ayurvedic</em> treatment at the OPD. She received treatment in accordance with the <em>Ayurvedic</em> regimen prescribed by <em>Kanchanar Guggulu</em>, <em>Kuberaksha vati, Raktavardhak vati, Ashoka-arishta, Hingwashtak churna, Chandraprabha vati, Kumaryaasawa</em>.After three months of treatment and a follow-up every 15 days, a repeat scan showed normal results and symptom alleviation. <br><br></p> Geetika, Jayashree Patil, Umang Varshney, Shubham Gupta Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Tue, 16 Jul 2024 17:50:42 +0800 Shodhana Karma: A Holistic Approach to Sthana Roga <p>The strength of a nation is deeply rooted in the health of its women, making it fundamental step towards national prosperity. Apart from undergoing natural processes of menstruation, pregnancy etc. <em>Sthana Roga</em> is a common condition seen in a woman comprising of lump or palpable mass in the breast. It is computed that about 30% of women are suffering from benign tumors of breast at any age and if not addressed on proper time it may have risk of malignancy. <strong>Methods:</strong> A case report of a female aged 46-years presented with the complaints of lump with tenderness in the breast it was diagnosed as <em>Sthana Roga</em>. Based on <em>Nidana Panchaka</em>, <em>Chikista </em>was planned and <em>Shodhana Karma</em> was done based on <em>Ayurvedic </em>principles to manage the <em>Sthana Roga.</em> <strong>Results:</strong> <em>Shodhana Karma</em> led to significant improvement in overall patient’s condition by notable decrease in discomfort, pain, tenderness, reduction in the size of the lump pertaining to the disease and was assessed through necessary investigations. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> As per this case study, the efficacy of age old Ayurvedic treatment modalities has demonstrated its effectiveness in managing symptoms of <em>Sthana Roga</em> which was confirmed by the investigations before and after the treatment.</p> Afreen Kousar Ali, Rajani Kagga, Prema Bhat Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Metabolic Disorders and Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda <p>According to Ayurveda <em>Vata</em>, <em>Pitta</em> and <em>Kapha</em> are the three types of energy factors called <em>Doshas</em> which actually control all the functioning of the body and are thus responsible for health and disease. Various types of disorders occur in the body due to derangement of these <em>Doshas</em>. <em>Vata</em> or air factor is responsible for degenerative disorders in the body whereas inflammatory disorders occur due to the derangement of <em>Pitta</em>. <em>Kapha</em> or water factor is responsible for causing the accumulative type of diseases in the body. Most of the lifestyle disorders today like hyperglycaemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, obesity or a cluster of all these in the form of metabolic syndrome are the major consequences of accumulation of certain unwanted substances in the body which increase the fluid level of the body or the imbalanced <em>Kapha</em> leading to the stagnation of the body channels with undigested material or toxins called <em>Ama</em> in Ayurveda. <em>Ama</em> is a sticky material generated due to decreased <em>Agni</em> levels or decreased enzyme secretions leading to defective or incomplete digestion of the food we take producing the byproducts of metabolism which get accumulated in the body with time producing the accumulative disorders. According to Ayurveda, <em>Kapha</em> type people are prone to such ailments. A proper understanding of the balanced and unbalanced <em>Kapha</em> in Ayurveda is helpful in providing an answer to the metabolic disorders.</p> Sangeeta Gupta, Swati Sharma, Sarita Yadav Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:24:45 +0800 A Vitiation of Pitta Dosha in Sharad Ritu and its Management by Nitya Virechana Dravya <p><em>Pama Kushta</em> is explained in Ayurveda which is outcome of <em>Pitta Dosha Dushti</em> it has similarities with eczema. Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by redness, itching, and rash, affects a significant portion of the population worldwide. This case report presents the initial successful management of eczema in a patient using Ayurvedic interventions. A 30-year-old female patient presented with persistent eczema symptoms on her arms and legs. The patient underwent a thorough evaluation based on Ayurvedic principles, which identified imbalances in <em>Dosha</em>s (bioenergies) according especially in autumn season and suggested a treatment plan accordingly. The interventions included internal medications to alleviate imbalances <em>Pitta Dosha</em>, external application of <em>Marichyadi</em> Oil to soothe the affected areas. After adhering to the treatment plan for two weeks, the patient experienced a significant reduction in eczema symptoms, including reduced redness, itching, and improvement in skin texture. This case report highlights the potential efficacy of Ayurvedic interventions with <em>Siddhanta.</em> The holistic approach of Ayurveda, addressing root cause, resulted in improved symptom control and enhanced quality of life for the patient. While further research is warranted to validate these findings, the present report suggests that Ayurveda could be a valuable complementary approach for individuals struggling with eczema. Health professionals and patients alike may consider exploring Ayurvedic interventions as an adjunct or alternative to conventional eczema management&nbsp;strategies.</p> Bhagyashri A. Chakole, Deepika Arun chakole, Anita Choudhary Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Management of PCOS Through Ayurvedic Approaches: The Role of Panchakarma <p>Among women of reproductive age, PCOS is a widespread metabolic and reproductive disorder that can disrupt menstrual cycles, fertility, hormonal equilibrium, and physical appearance. Manifestations may include acne, facial hair growth, fatigue, susceptibility to UTIs, and hair loss. In Ayurvedic texts, <em>Acharya Charak</em> classified it as <em>Vinshati Yonivyapada</em>, <em>Acharya Sushruta</em> referred to it as <em>Nashtartava</em>, and <em>Acharya Kashyapa</em> described it as <em>Pushpaghni Jataharini</em>, all with symptoms resembling those of PCOS. In contemporary medicine, hormonal therapy and other medications are often prescribed for PCOS, despite potential long-term adverse effects. Hence, <em>Panchakarma</em> could offer a preferable treatment approach, utilizing <em>Shodhan Chikitsa</em> (purification therapy) alongside lifestyle adjustments for managing PCOS more effectively. At Sanjeevani Chikitsalya in Jodhpur, a 21-year-old female diagnosed with PCOS, presenting symptoms of irregular menstrual cycles, rashes and itching in the hip region, generalized weakness, and UTI infections for the past two years, underwent successful treatment. The approach involved <em>Shodhan Chikitsa</em>, specifically <em>Virechana Karma</em>.</p> Megha Agarwal, Gyan Prakash Sharma, Achalaram Kumawat, Parag Devadiya Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Discovering the Efficacy of Integrated Therapies on Chronic Liver Disease <p>Chronic liver disease (CLD) poses a significant global health challenge and has become a primary cause of mortality worldwide. The development of CLD can be attributed to various factors, such as alcohol abuse, obesity and metabolic disorders, autoimmune hepatitis, and viral hepatitis. This case series explores the clinical journey and combined Ayurvedic treatments used for patients with CLD, aiming to integrate various holistic approaches to enhance overall well-being and potentially achieve remission in CLD. Data were collected at Patanjali Wellness Center, Patanjali Yogpeeth II, Haridwar, from June 2023 to December 2023. In this period of 6 months, we had taken 4 cases of chronic liver disease from IPD. The cases that we found are in the age range of 40 to 60 years. The pre- and post-treatment data on the patient’s outcomes were studied over a period of 6 months, followed by a continuous 3-month follow-up. In this case series, a positive and effective outcome was observed through a holistic strategy. After undergoing treatment, the patient's symptoms showed a noteworthy alleviation of CLD-related symptoms. Simultaneously, the patient's quality of life improved. Their liver function test also showed balanced parameters. At present, they are leading a normal and fulfilling life. The collective impact of these alternative therapies played a significant role in the patient's notable recovery from CLD. Nevertheless, further investigation and exploration are necessary to facilitate larger-scale clinical trials in this area.</p> Acharya Balkrishna, Kaushalendra Dwivedi, Anjali Dubey, Mayur Chauhan, Jaya Upreti, Muskan Chauhan, Prashant Katiyar, Vedpriya Arya Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Comprehensive Review of Dietetic Regimen (Pathya- Apathya) in Skin Disorders <p>For decades, it was thought that there was no relation between the dermatological conditions or the skin disorders and the diet. But recent studies have made an attempt to explore the relationship between the diet and its role in skin disorders. Ayurvedic system of Medicine also known as the Indian traditional medicine has contributed vastly for the diet and the management of skin disorders. In Ayurveda skin disorders are explained under the name <em>Kustha</em> which are twenty in number and two types as <em>Mahakustha</em> and <em>Kshudra</em> <em>kustha</em>. Since 5000yrs, Ayurveda is serving the society with the objective of curing of the disease and prevention of the same. Ahara has been given the prime importance in Ayurveda and is placed one among the <em>Trayopasthambas</em> or the three pillars of life such as <em>Aaahara</em> (diet), <em>Nidra</em> (sleep) and <em>Brahmacharya</em> (celibacy) In depth of diet for the healthy and also the specific diet for the disorders has been described in Ayurveda and is being practiced by Ayurvedic practitioners since centuries which is witnessed in the latest research studies. The present study has made an attempt to assess both the Modern and Ayurvedic concepts of diet that is presently practiced and their importance in the management of skin disorders.</p> Mucherla Srikanth, G Vinay Mohan, Girish Kumar S Dharmannavar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Sat, 20 Jul 2024 20:24:22 +0800 Critical Analysis on the Role of Nidra in the Maintenance of Health - An Ayurvedic Review <p>Sleep which is often considered to be a “passive activity” is increasingly being recognized as an essential aspect in both heath promotion as well as prevention of chronic diseases. Insufficient sleep, either directly or indirectly, is associated with a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, obesity as well as depression. Insufficient sleep is associated with the onset of these diseases and also posses’ important implications for their management and its outcome. Ayurveda considers <em>Nidra </em>as one among the <em>Trayo upasthambha’s</em> along with <em>Ahara</em> and <em>Brahmacharya</em>. These 3 factors maintained in optimum quantity and quality is essential for living a healthier disease free life. Lack of sleep is considered as <em>Nidranasha</em> in Ayurveda which is attributed to the development of multiple chronic life style disorders in longer run. The role of improper <em>Nidra</em> in the development of different chronic diseases should be understood properly to prevent the damage from them and to promote healthy living among the human beings around the world.</p> Sreehari R Nath, Mallikarjun S Yalagond Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 An Ayurvedic Approach of Ahiputana with Special Reference to Napkin Dermatitis: A Literature Review <p><em>Ahiputana</em> is mentioned in <em>Kshudraroga</em> in Ayurveda. A mother who neglects her child may cause them to suffer from a variety of illnesses, among them is <em>Ahiputana</em>. Diaper dermatitis, also known as napkin dermatitis, is one of the most prevalent skin ailments in young children and infants. Pediatric OPD frequently deals with <em>Ahiputana</em>, also known as napkin dermatitis. The <em>Guda</em> region (Napkin region) is home to several diseases that are described in the <em>Ayurved Samhita</em>, including <em>Ahiputana, Anamika, Sannirudhguda, Parikartika, Gudabhransh, </em>and<em> Gudakutta</em>. All <em>Samhita’s explained</em> <em>Ahiputana</em> as a skin condition that primarily affects the <em>Pitta, Kapha, </em>and<em> Rakta</em> <em>doshas</em> and is typically observed in young children and newborns. Poor hygiene and sweat retention causes ammonia to build up, which causes blistering rashes in the skin of anal area. According to the <em>Ayurvedic Samhita</em>, one of the causes of <em>Ahiputana</em> is <em>stanyadushti</em>. Depending on the <em>Doshas</em> involved and the state of the rash, the treatment plan may include avoidance of causes, <em>Stanya shodhana</em>, local applications, decoctions for cleaning, powders for dusting, and other methods. A deeper understanding of napkin dermatitis and <em>Ahiputana</em> will undoubtedly pave the way for the creation of better management guidelines that can provide newborns with a great deal of relief. As a result, this paper presents a complete evaluation of <em>Ahiputana</em> and Napkin dermatitis.</p> Umang Varshney, Sachin Bhagwat, Geetika, Shubham Gupta Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Comparative Study to assess the Treatment Cost of Ayurvedic Medicine (Ginger and Castor Oil) and Modern Medicine (DMARDs) in Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) <p><em>Ama</em> and <em>Vata</em> are the initial elements in the pathophysiology of <em>Tridosha</em>, whereas <em>Amavata </em>is a result of their vitiation. The expense of treatment is a major factor in the economic burden of RA for both the patient and the health and social care systems<sup>. </sup><strong>Objective: a.</strong> To assess the socio-demographic conditions of the patients of <em>Amavata</em>. <strong>b.</strong> To compare the cost of a one-month treatment of ginger and castor oil with DMARD in the management of <em>Amavata</em>. <strong>Methodology:</strong> Total 72 patients of RA Fulfilling the inclusion criteria and having symptoms of RA were enrolled for this Interventional study. Patients were treated in two different groups-<strong> Group A- </strong>36 clinically diagnosed and registered patients of <em>Amavata</em> were treated by DMARD <strong>Group B- </strong>36 clinically diagnosed and registered patients of <em>Amavata</em> were treated with ginger and castor oil. After the completion of the study, total 62 patients came after one month of treatment, so we included 62 patients in this study. 32 patients in group A and 30 patients in group B <strong>Results:</strong> The average direct cost of treatment of RA patients in 2024 was estimated as Rs. 2669.17 ($31.96)/month in group A (DMARD Group) and Rs. 1386.69 ($16.62) in group B (Ginger and Castor oil). Major part of total direct costs was covered by medicines (Rs. 1583) in group A and Laboratory cost (Rs. 600) in group B.&nbsp; The ratio of one-month cost of DMARD and Ayurvedic medicine (ginger and castor oil) was 12:1.<strong> Discussion:</strong> The cost of Ayurvedic medicine was very low in comparison to DMARD. Ayurvedic Medicine ginger and castor oil were easily available, safe, effective and cheap.</p> Sunil Kumar, Aparnesh Pandey, Rajendra Prasad, Arun Kumar Singh, Piyush Yadav Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Ayurvedic Management of STXBP1 Encephalopathy with West Syndrome - A Case Report <p>Developmental delay, intellectual disability, and epilepsy are hallmark features of STXBP1 encephalopathy. This condition is often associated with West syndrome, characterized by intractable epilepsy, developmental regression, and hypsarrhythmia on EEG. Even though timely intervention is crucial, Conventional medical systems lag behind to tackle the developmental regression and to gain control over the intractable epilepsy even with multiple anti epileptic drugs (AEDs). This is a case of a 7-year-old girl with an STXBP1 mutation, clinically diagnosed with West syndrome. She presented to the Kaumarabhritya OPD with significant developmental issues, including inability to sit without support, difficulty rising from a lying position, tremors, poor coordination, truncal ataxia, impaired speech, cognitive deficits, socialization issues, and intractable epilepsy. Ayurvedic management strategy was designed incorporating treatment principles of <em>Apasmara</em> (seizures), <em>Unmada</em> (insanity), <em>Vatavyadhi</em> (<em>Vata</em> disorders), and <em>Sirakampa </em>(head tremors), as an adjunct to ongoing AED regimen. Remarkable improvements were observed in motor, social, and language domains in a period of 4 months. Treatment efficacy was assessed using the Hague seizure severity scale, (improved from 24 to 49) and Gross Motor Function Measure score (increased from 18% to 30%). Receptive language age advanced from 0-1 month to 7-8 months, and expressive language age improved from 0-1 month to 10-12 months. Vineland Social Maturity Scale score improved from 3.5 to 8, and Indian Scale for Assessment of Autism score decreased from 130 to 105. This case report highlights the efficacy of Ayurvedic interventions in curtailing intractable epilepsy, arresting the neuronal regression and triggering the brain growth velocity.</p> Roshni Anirudhan, Parvathy Jayan Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Comparative Cost Analysis of Hypercholesterolemia Treatment: Allopathic Medicine and Ayurveda Medicine <p>The cost of treatment is very high for CVD and the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia is also very high in developing countries. Many Indian people do not have basic amenities and medical facilities are also not accessible. So alternative medicine can play an important role in the treatment of high cholesterol. <em>Arjuna</em> and <em>Kutki</em> are effective medicines in treating high cholesterol. <strong>Methodology:</strong> Comparative cross sectional study was planned to determine the socio-economic, and demographic status and comparison of treatment costs of high cholesterol patients in SS Hospital, IMS, BHU, Varanasi. <strong>Result:</strong> The overall expenditure for Group B is significantly high (3670.06) compared to Group A (1341.10). Medicine costs form the largest portion of expenses in Group B (1:4.8), while laboratory costs are the largest in Group A. <strong>Discussion:</strong> The economic burden poses a significant challenge in the treatment of any illness. Elevated cholesterol levels pose a significant problem in the current state of affairs in India. Developing countries face significant challenges in managing their financial issues.</p> Sunil Kumar, Piyush Yadav, Binay Sen, L.P. Meena, Anoop Misra, Aparnesh Pandey Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800